Autumn bouquets
Autumn is a golden time, allowing you to enjoy a riot of colors, a wealth of aromas, an abundance of gifts of nature. This season is associated with harvesting, farewell…

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The most beautiful flower valleys of the world
The multi-colored sea of ​​flowers swaying in the wind, high mountains, bright sun - the flower valleys are truly impressive. Huge placers of fragrant plants are found in almost every…

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The birthplace of this plant is South America, Asia, Africa and the islands of the Malay archipelago. Currently, more than 2000 garden forms obtained through selection are known. Begonias were…

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Now there are more than 30 thousand varieties of roses. Several of them deserve attention because of their uniqueness – an unusual color or size. It is believed that roses can be of all colors and shades, except black and blue. This is due to the fact that they do not have the corresponding pigments. Some breeders see this statement as a challenge and try to bring out blue and black roses. And the first steps have already been taken in this direction.

Black roses Today in the shops you can find roses of any color, including black and blue. But most often these beauties are grown in greenhouses and stained artificially. However, in the vicinity of the Turkish village of Halfeti, natural black roses grow. These are one of the rarest and most expensive flowers in the world. Nowhere else on the globe do such roses grow and cannot grow. Only here, thanks to the unique soil composition, burgundy roses darken and turn black during their flowering period. So far, no chemist has been able to repeat the chemical composition of this soil. Continue reading

For a long memory: drying flowers
Drying flowers only at first glance is a simple task. The flower itself will dry out after some time. But will he preserve his beauty and not fade? Do not…


The most beautiful flower valleys of the world
The multi-colored sea of ​​flowers swaying in the wind, high mountains, bright sun - the flower valleys are truly impressive. Huge placers of fragrant plants are found in almost every…


One of the ancient Greek legends is dedicated to the mysterious origin of violet flowers. The beautiful Apollo - the sun god - entertained himself by chasing a pretty young…
