the guilty
One of the ancient Greek legends is dedicated to the mysterious origin of violet flowers. The beautiful Apollo – the sun god – entertained himself by chasing a pretty young nymph – the daughter of Atlas with the hot rays of the sun.
The poor thing, exhausted by the mercilessly scorching sun, prayed for help to the most formidable and powerful of the gods Zeus. Feeling sympathy, Zeus turned it into a violet and hid it from the sun in his possessions – in the shade of shrubs in the middle of the forest. Hid from the eyes of others, left only to admire himself. Until one day, the daughter of Zeus Proserpine went for a walk in the forest. Finding lovely flowers, Proserpina plucked a bouquet, and on her way back she was stolen by the crafty Pluto. With fear, Proserpine dropped the bouquet, and violets scattered from divine heaven on sinful human earth. Continue reading