Cyclamen is a houseplant belonging to the family of primrose. Homeland - The Mediterranean coast of southern Europe. Cyclamen grows from fibrous round or flattened tubers. From the upper tuber…

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Garden Build: Eternal, New, and Unexpected
From April 5 to 8, Crocus Expo IEC hosted the 3rd international exhibition Garden Build - a major event in the field of landscaping and landscape design. The exhibits, which…

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Now there are more than 30 thousand varieties of roses. Several of them deserve attention because of their uniqueness - an unusual color or size. It is believed that roses…

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calories per pound

Interesting facts about flowers

Largest leaves – Palm Raffia has the largest leaves in the world. They reach 20 m and are larger than all tree species.
The smallest flowering plant – The floating duckweed of Wolffia Arhrys is the smallest flowering plant in the world. The size of its leaves is only 0.5-1.2 mm in diameter.
The deepest roots – The longest roots are found in wild ficus from South Africa. They reached 120 m.
The first plant an astronaut – The first plant that bloomed and produced seeds in space in the absence of gravity is Arabidopsis. Its life cycle is only 40 days; A copy of Arabidopsis was grown in 1982 aboard the Russian space station Salyut-7
The largest living creature – The largest living creature on Earth – a giant sequoia, it grows in California, USA, and is named “General Sherman”. Its height is 83 meters, the trunk circumference is 24.1 m. Its wood would be enough for 40 one-story houses or 5 billion matches. Continue reading

Top 8 indoor plants that perfectly clean the air
Ivy (Hedera) Home repairs, in addition to the main result - pleasant feelings from a sense of novelty - can also have a side effect: malaise from the fumes of…


Folk omens about flowers
Flowers adorn the house, create coziness, and caring for them is a good hobby to soothe nerves. However, before buying a new plant, you should find out about the signs…


How to choose a spring bouquet in the store and how to make it yourself? In order to answer these questions you need to have an idea about the flowers…
