Christmas holidays are associated with a Christmas tree, bright balls and a nativity scene. Choosing bouquets and compositions of flowers for Christmas, you should stop choosing those that are decorated…

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One of the ancient Greek legends is dedicated to the mysterious origin of violet flowers. The beautiful Apollo - the sun god - entertained himself by chasing a pretty young…

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Rome, wife and Finnish nature: what inspired the authors of musical masterpieces about flowers?
Any of us will name a couple of musical works, in the name of which certain flowers appear. What inspired the authors of these masterpieces and are all these compositions…

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lotus flowers


The extensive genus of agaves unites approximately 300 species native to North and Central America. Agaves are very undemanding plants. The name was given in honor of Agave – the daughter of one of the ancient mythical kings.
Agave is a fairly powerful plant with succulent leaves. The leaves have an aquiferous tissue, which allows them to spend moisture during dry periods very economically. The diameter of the leaf rosette reaches 2.5 m. The leaves are large, solid, fleshy, wide or narrow, ending in strong spines; most species have strong bent or straight thorns at the edges of the leaves. The color of the leaves is gray, green, bluish-green, in some species yellow or white stripes or whitish threads are split along the edges of the leaves, split off from the edges. The leaves are covered with a thick waxy coating.
Agave blooms once in a lifetime – after flowering it dies, leaving numerous root offspring. A high peduncle (up to 10 m) appears from the middle of the outlet and bears several thousand (2 to 8) beautiful bell-shaped flowers collected in panicled inflorescences. Indoor plant never blooms. Continue reading


The art of composing floral arrangements has been constantly improved since its appearance many centuries ago. Florists make bouquets, guided by the classical canons of harmony, fashion trends and the rules for combining plants with each other. Given them, you will get an elegant, effective composition that will remain fresh for a long time and will delight you with a beautiful play of colors.

Combinations of flowers When choosing a bouquet or composing it yourself, it is worth remembering – not all flowers can be combined. If we talk exclusively about aesthetics, existing canons, then florists do not recommend combining bulbous plants with woody ones (tulips, for example, will not fit roses) and include different flowers with large, catchy buds in the composition. According to classical rules, the bouquet should have one visual center – several large flowers will shift the emphasis, expressiveness will be lost. In avant-garde compositions, the principle can be violated. Continue reading

Garden Build: Eternal, New, and Unexpected

From April 5 to 8, Crocus Expo IEC hosted the 3rd international exhibition Garden Build – a major event in the field of landscaping and landscape design. The exhibits, which are annually represented by landscape architects and garden builders from around the world, inspire not only professionals, but also owners of personal plots, as well as just lovers of the beautiful. Let’s remember the most memorable expositions of the last two years.

Functionality and Minimalism
Perhaps the first thing that visitors of two previous exhibitions paid attention to was a clear tendency towards practicality and minimalism. Apparently, therefore, one of the relevant materials of past expositions was architectural concrete, which has long been loved by garden aesthetics lovers. Indeed, according to designers, this substance has always remained the best basis for creating garden sculptures. Continue reading

Proper Orchid and Tulip Care
Orchids in nature grow on trees, with the help of the roots they stay on the trunk, receiving food from the bark moist after rain. Of course, an orchid is…


We deliver flowers over distances and even to Mars: a fantasy story
Year 2216. Now on Mars there is everything you need: water, food and even air. A large transparent dome above the planet allows you to breathe without spacesuits. Of course,…


Top 8 indoor plants that perfectly clean the air
Ivy (Hedera) Home repairs, in addition to the main result - pleasant feelings from a sense of novelty - can also have a side effect: malaise from the fumes of…
