One day in the life of a courier Flora Express
In some cases, the courier acts as a bartender. No, of course, he does not pour strong drinks, but performs other functions that are assigned to employees of entertainment establishments:…

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Garden Build: Eternal, New, and Unexpected
From April 5 to 8, Crocus Expo IEC hosted the 3rd international exhibition Garden Build - a major event in the field of landscaping and landscape design. The exhibits, which…

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17 interesting facts about colors
Flowers are essential in the culture of most peoples. Somewhere they are used for decoration, somewhere they serve as a sign of attention, and somewhere they are completely revered, as,…

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evening meal


The birthplace of Anthurium is the tropics of South America. Among a huge number of representatives of the genus there are epiphytes, vines and herbaceous plants.
Anthurium inflorescence is an ear wrapped in a brightly colored leaf. Anthuriums bloom for a long time. Sometimes up to 3 months. The plant blooms indoors mainly during the summer, but some types of anthurium can bloom most of the year, provided that they are kept at a temperature of 22-25 ° C.
The unique appearance of a houseplant emphasizes the sophistication of interiors made in the styles of past eras: Art Nouveau, Baroque, Empire style.

Temperature mode
Anthurium is a heat-loving plant, so it needs a high air temperature. In summer, it should not fall below 20-27 ° C, in winter – not lower than 15-17 ° C Continue reading


One of the ancient Greek legends is dedicated to the mysterious origin of violet flowers. The beautiful Apollo – the sun god – entertained himself by chasing a pretty young nymph – the daughter of Atlas with the hot rays of the sun.
The poor thing, exhausted by the mercilessly scorching sun, prayed for help to the most formidable and powerful of the gods Zeus. Feeling sympathy, Zeus turned it into a violet and hid it from the sun in his possessions – in the shade of shrubs in the middle of the forest. Hid from the eyes of others, left only to admire himself. Until one day, the daughter of Zeus Proserpine went for a walk in the forest. Finding lovely flowers, Proserpina plucked a bouquet, and on her way back she was stolen by the crafty Pluto. With fear, Proserpine dropped the bouquet, and violets scattered from divine heaven on sinful human earth. Continue reading


In order for roses to stand longer in a vase, special attention should be paid to water. Do not put the bouquet in running water – unfortunately, its quality does not inspire confidence.

It is recommended to use a special distilled. Normal standing water is also suitable (it is recommended to stand for 30 minutes).
Roses are capricious and it is necessary to thoroughly wash the vase from past bouquets – a dirty vase will significantly shorten the life of fragile beauties.
Do not forget about the temperature regime. Experienced florists revealed the secret – when frost is raging on the street, the water should be at room temperature. And in the summer, when it is especially hot, on the contrary add a couple of ice cubes to the vase to make the water cool. Continue reading

Live gift: instructions for use
So, they gave you a flower in a pot. Such a romantic present is undoubtedly pleasant, because the one who presented it to you is clearly not opposed to you…


In addition to traditional bouquets, we have for sale floral arrangements placed in wicker baskets. They look unusual and original. However, in order for such a basket to please the…


Rules for making flower arrangements
Flowers accompanied a person throughout his life. Mankind has dedicated a huge number of legends, songs, poems, and paintings to flowers. It is hard to imagine our gardens without a…
