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The birthplace of Anthurium is the tropics of South America. Among a huge number of representatives of the genus there are epiphytes, vines and herbaceous plants.
Anthurium inflorescence is an ear wrapped in a brightly colored leaf. Anthuriums bloom for a long time. Sometimes up to 3 months. The plant blooms indoors mainly during the summer, but some types of anthurium can bloom most of the year, provided that they are kept at a temperature of 22-25 ° C.
The unique appearance of a houseplant emphasizes the sophistication of interiors made in the styles of past eras: Art Nouveau, Baroque, Empire style.

Temperature mode
Anthurium is a heat-loving plant, so it needs a high air temperature. In summer, it should not fall below 20-27 ° C, in winter – not lower than 15-17 ° C
Anthurium is placed in a place protected from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the main decorative element (bract) and the inflorescence begin to deform and decrease in size. The coloring of the bedspread and leaves loses its juiciness and brightness. In the cold season, the plant normally develops under artificial lighting
in summer, especially on hot days, the plant is abundantly watered and sprayed with soft water at room temperature. In winter, watering is slightly reduced, supplying moisture as the soil coma dries up. However, stagnation of water in the soil should be avoided. Overmoistening can lead to rotting of the roots, so there must be a drainage layer in the pot with an indoor plant.
A vessel with water is placed next to the anthurium, increasing air humidity, which is extremely necessary for the normal development of the plant. It is best to place a pot of anthurium on a pallet filled with wet pebbles. During the period of active growth, frequent spraying with water at room temperature is necessary, at least twice a day. The airy roots of a houseplant replenish the moisture supply from the air, so it is advisable to wrap them with moss, which sometimes needs to be sprayed. In addition, it is useful to wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge.
young anthurium is best handled annually; more adult is recommended to be transplanted once every 3-4 years. The best time for transplanting and transhipment is spring. The capacity for an indoor plant is chosen not too deep, but wide, since the anthurium has a superficial root system. For transplantation, fertile soil from peat, sphagnum mixed with pieces of charcoal and bark is used. The substrate should be loose, light and slightly acidic. The aerial roots of a houseplant rise above the pot and at each transplant they are buried in the substrate, that is, the anthurium is planted a little lower than before.
Anthurium is fed 1-2 times a week from April to the end of September.
If the leaves of the plant turn yellow, this is a sign of insufficient or excessive watering, drafts. It is necessary to rearrange the plant in a warmer place and monitor the soil.
If the buds of a houseplant do not open, do not feed the plant enough.
Sometimes aphid appears on the leaves, shoots and flowers of anthurium. You can get rid of aphids using an insecticide for indoor plants.
The main enemy of Anthurium is the mealybug. The disease is manifested by the appearance of white spots on the lower leaf plate or on the petioles. You can remove the pest with a brush dipped in alcohol.
Types of Anthurium:
Anthurium Andre is an epiphyte from the genus Anthuriums. The stem of a houseplant is long. The leaves of the plant are very attractive. The shape of the leaf blade is heart-shaped, the glossy surface is painted in a bright green color. The leaf of anthurium of a rather large size sometimes reaches a length of 40 cm. During flowering, peduncles appear that are superior in height to all leaves. The plant has coral or cream wrappers 15 cm long and 7 cm wide with one yellow or white ear.
Temperature: High ambient temperature required. The best temperature for anthurium is 22-25 ° C

Illumination: bright, avoid direct sunlight. In winter, anthurium develops well under artificial lighting.

Humidity: Anthurium is abundantly watered and sprayed with warm water.

Transplantation: transplantation of young plants is carried out every year, upon reaching 5 years of age every 2-3 years. The substrate should be light, loose and slightly acidic.
Anthurium Scherzer
Anthurium scherzerianum

Sherzer Anthurium with bright green, shiny leaves located on short petioles. Platinum sheet is narrower and longer. Anthurium with a shiny oblong wrap about 9 cm long. The ear-inflorescence is coiled. The bractal bedspread can be painted white, bright red or cream.
Anthurium personifies male power. The use of anthurium in gardening at home is especially useful for single men who want to find a life partner. The presence of anthurium in the apartment has a tonic effect, increases the level of activity.

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