Cyclamen is a houseplant belonging to the family of primrose.
Homeland – The Mediterranean coast of southern Europe. Cyclamen grows from fibrous round or flattened tubers. From the upper tuber cavity, flowers and heart-shaped leaves are formed.
Cyclamen flowers have a variety of colors: red, white, pink, yellowish, etc.
With good care, cyclamen can live for several years and form more and more numerous flowers every year.
Cyclamens with many flowers and buds begin to appear in flower shops from the first days of September. When buying, make sure that the leaves are not damaged, the color of the leaves is juicy and saturated. It is better to buy cyclamen with flowers that have not yet opened. The tuber of the plant should protrude 2-4 cm above the ground.
If the color of the cyclamen leaves is pale, this is a sign of excessive watering. When overflowing, tubers and petioles of cyclamen can easily rot. At the first signs of waterlogging, cyclamen is placed in a dry, ventilated place, damaged leaves should be removed. The cyclamen is watered by pouring water into the pan. Continue reading
One of the ancient Greek legends is dedicated to the mysterious origin of violet flowers. The beautiful Apollo – the sun god – entertained himself by chasing a pretty young nymph – the daughter of Atlas with the hot rays of the sun.
The poor thing, exhausted by the mercilessly scorching sun, prayed for help to the most formidable and powerful of the gods Zeus. Feeling sympathy, Zeus turned it into a violet and hid it from the sun in his possessions – in the shade of shrubs in the middle of the forest. Hid from the eyes of others, left only to admire himself. Until one day, the daughter of Zeus Proserpine went for a walk in the forest. Finding lovely flowers, Proserpina plucked a bouquet, and on her way back she was stolen by the crafty Pluto. With fear, Proserpine dropped the bouquet, and violets scattered from divine heaven on sinful human earth. Continue reading
Rules for making flower arrangements
Flowers accompanied a person throughout his life. Mankind has dedicated a huge number of legends, songs, poems, and paintings to flowers. It is hard to imagine our gardens without a riot of colors, shapes, subtle smells. Breeders tirelessly work on creating new varieties, and flower shop shelves are bursting with tender and capricious goods. Without flowers, it’s hard to imagine an anniversary, a wedding or a holiday. And, perhaps, there is not a single country in the world that would not use flowers at official and festive events.
True love for flowers, their charm, fragility, perfection, forced mankind to establish a whole science of creating works of art from living flowers. This science is called floristry. Continue reading