WATER PREPARATION In order for roses to stand longer in a vase, special attention should be paid to water. Do not put the bouquet in running water - unfortunately, its…

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Secrets of a florist, or where do the bouquets come from?
Flowers ... These beautiful representatives of the flora have been praised by man for centuries, used to express their feelings, decorate homes and their own inspiration. Today, experienced florists collect…

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The most beautiful flower valleys of the world
The multi-colored sea of ​​flowers swaying in the wind, high mountains, bright sun - the flower valleys are truly impressive. Huge placers of fragrant plants are found in almost every…

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with girlfriends

Flowers for Aquarius

Flowers have their own special, strong energy and are able to influence a person’s life. Astrology helps determine which flowers will benefit a particular sign.

Aquarius – what are they?
Under the sign of Aquarius – people born between January 21 and February 20. They are distinguished by an extraordinary mind and a non-standard outlook on the world, therefore they often encounter misunderstanding in society. However, often Aquarius choose a creative profession and reach great heights there.

Aquarius flowers bring inspiration to him and help him find new ideas. Continue reading

How to take pictures with flowers?

Beautiful fresh flowers are simply created for a photo shoot, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that a girl who received a bouquet as a gift immediately asks herself to take a picture or takes a selfie. Not all such shots are successful, so you need to know how to shoot this kind of shot.

To get beautiful photos with flowers, you need to choose a bouquet or the whole composition corresponding to the theme of the photo shoot
Flowers are the best decoration for photography
Features of a photo shoot with flowers
Flowers are a woman’s jewelry, so their presence in the frame is one of the most frequent methods of both photographers and models. Indeed, when you do not know in which genre or theme to take a photo, it is enough to pick up a bouquet or one flower – and the problem will be solved. Continue reading

Perfume Floral Aromas

Flowers – amazing beauty of nature. Thanks to their magical aroma, perfumers actively add their essential oils to create perfumes.

Already in ancient times, people, making perfumes, used spices, needles, herbs and, of course, flowers. It is even believed that without flowers the perfume industry would not have received such a successful development. Today we will pay attention to the most important colors – the favorites in the perfume industry.

Flower perfumes are one of the most popular perfumes on the market. Women appreciate them for their delicate and romantic scent. Continue reading

Packaging for a bouquet is like a gem cut. Making floral arrangements is a separate art form that florists learn. To mention all the methods for decorating bouquets that exist…


Perfume Floral Aromas
Flowers - amazing beauty of nature. Thanks to their magical aroma, perfumers actively add their essential oils to create perfumes. Already in ancient times, people, making perfumes, used spices, needles,…


Greens Watch for Productivity
The working space of a busy person should be no less cozy than home walls, and, of course, conducive to everyday duties. Flowers and plants have been an invariable way…
