Rome, wife and Finnish nature: what inspired the authors of musical masterpieces about flowers?
Any of us will name a couple of musical works, in the name of which certain flowers appear. What inspired the authors of these masterpieces and are all these compositions…

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In addition to traditional bouquets, we have for sale floral arrangements placed in wicker baskets. They look unusual and original. However, in order for such a basket to please the…

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Top 8 indoor plants that perfectly clean the air
Ivy (Hedera) Home repairs, in addition to the main result - pleasant feelings from a sense of novelty - can also have a side effect: malaise from the fumes of…

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Proper Orchid and Tulip Care

Orchids in nature grow on trees, with the help of the roots they stay on the trunk, receiving food from the bark moist after rain.
Of course, an orchid is an extraordinary flower. She does not need soil, she urgently needs frequent watering and top dressing. But, despite all of the above, if you take proper care of the orchid, it will delight you with long flowering and rich green leaves.

Orchid prefers diffused sunlight
As a result, it is better to put a pot with an orchid on a windowsill on the north side or away from the window, so that direct sunlight does not fall on it during the day. Usually a daylight hours of 12-16 hours are required, if you do not want the orchid to go to a dormant period in winter, it will be wise to illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp. Continue reading

Rules for making flower arrangements

Flowers accompanied a person throughout his life. Mankind has dedicated a huge number of legends, songs, poems, and paintings to flowers. It is hard to imagine our gardens without a riot of colors, shapes, subtle smells. Breeders tirelessly work on creating new varieties, and flower shop shelves are bursting with tender and capricious goods. Without flowers, it’s hard to imagine an anniversary, a wedding or a holiday. And, perhaps, there is not a single country in the world that would not use flowers at official and festive events.

True love for flowers, their charm, fragility, perfection, forced mankind to establish a whole science of creating works of art from living flowers. This science is called floristry. Continue reading

Flower etiquette

Rules come from the East
When choosing flowers and handing them, you should follow some rules, otherwise you can get into an awkward position. The homeland of these rules is the East. The fair sex, limited in communication and covering their faces with a veil, tried to express their feelings and shades of mood with the help of flowers.

For example, according to Eastern tradition, it is important how the girl acted with the flower presented by the young man. If she pinned him to his chest in the region of the heart, this is a sign of love, and if to his hair, then you should not hope for reciprocity.

The associations that have arisen over time have become stable and formed the basis of the science called flower etiquette. Travelers transferred this knowledge to Europe, where they supplemented and developed. Some of them have been lost, but a considerable part has survived to our time. Continue reading

Flower etiquette
Rules come from the East When choosing flowers and handing them, you should follow some rules, otherwise you can get into an awkward position. The homeland of these rules is…


Fleeting sakura blossom
Sakura, or ornamental cherry, is loved and revered throughout Japan, and thousands of tourists annually plan their vacation so that they are sure to get there during its flowering. Sakura…


The birthplace of this plant is South America, Asia, Africa and the islands of the Malay archipelago. Currently, more than 2000 garden forms obtained through selection are known. Begonias were…
