One of the ancient Greek legends is dedicated to the mysterious origin of violet flowers. The beautiful Apollo - the sun god - entertained himself by chasing a pretty young…

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Now there are more than 30 thousand varieties of roses. Several of them deserve attention because of their uniqueness - an unusual color or size. It is believed that roses…

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Top 8 indoor plants that perfectly clean the air
Ivy (Hedera) Home repairs, in addition to the main result - pleasant feelings from a sense of novelty - can also have a side effect: malaise from the fumes of…

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wonderful flora


There is a well-established opinion that only women are congratulated with flowers. But, in fact, men are happy to accept their gift from relatives, friends and respectful people. It is important only to choose the right bouquet for a man to suit the occasion, so that the gesture is perceived as expected.

Experienced florists probably know what flowers they give to men. For many, it will be a revelation, but today there is an extensive selection of “male” colors that are customary to hand on various occasions. Among those:

Bouquet Style

Bouquet of 31 alstromerias Continue reading

Fleeting sakura blossom

Sakura, or ornamental cherry, is loved and revered throughout Japan, and thousands of tourists annually plan their vacation so that they are sure to get there during its flowering.

Sakura – what is she?
Sakura is a typical representative of the Himalayas, Japan, China and Korea. Currently, there are more than 300 varieties of this tree due to the fact that Japanese scientists are actively engaged in sakura breeding. The most beautiful sakura blossoms in the cities of Kyoto and Kamakura.

An interesting and one of the most beautiful views is Somei Yoshino. The flowers of this sakura are pure white, only at the stem painted in light pink. Due to the fact that flowers first appear and only then leaves, the tree appears to be completely white during flowering. Loved by the Japanese and the “weeping cherry” Shidarezakura with sprawling branches, blooming in pink. Continue reading

Symbolism of flowers in different cultures

At all times, people were surrounded by flowers. They decorated clothes and homes, added to food, presented as a sign of love or support. Flowers are able to convey our mood, our feelings in the most different moments of life, joyful or sad.

It is difficult to imagine a world without flowers, they are our constant companions. Love for them is reflected in painting, poetry and even architecture. Different cultures and peoples have their own special attitude to flowers, but admiration for them is invariable.

The flower, due to the arrangement of petals that create the image of a star, often symbolizes the Sun

Flowers in Ancient Egypt Continue reading

How to decorate a celebration
Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and other celebrations that are celebrated with a large number of guests are decorated with flowers according to similar principles. The only difference is that for a…


The extensive genus of agaves unites approximately 300 species native to North and Central America. Agaves are very undemanding plants. The name was given in honor of Agave - the…


Secrets of a florist, or where do the bouquets come from?
Flowers ... These beautiful representatives of the flora have been praised by man for centuries, used to express their feelings, decorate homes and their own inspiration. Today, experienced florists collect…
