Interesting facts about colors
Particular attention to flowers arose in ancient times. In ancient Greece, for example, these gifts of nature were attributed to divine origin. In India, it was believed that flowers were…

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Christmas holidays are associated with a Christmas tree, bright balls and a nativity scene. Choosing bouquets and compositions of flowers for Christmas, you should stop choosing those that are decorated…

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Rome, wife and Finnish nature: what inspired the authors of musical masterpieces about flowers?
Any of us will name a couple of musical works, in the name of which certain flowers appear. What inspired the authors of these masterpieces and are all these compositions…

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presented with

Flowers on the festive table

Flowers are the best decoration created by nature. Using compositions of roses, lilies, tulips and other flowers is appropriate for any occasion. The original floral design of the table will create an atmosphere of celebration and give completeness to the serving.

For decor, you can use lush bouquets, and spectacular compositions. Suitable for creating festive and freestanding flowers. And you can take not only whole buds, but also fallen petals, leaves with branches, dried flowers, herbs.

A bouquet of flowers on the festive table can become the center of the composition when serving items are placed around it. Continue reading

What are the flowers dreaming for?

From ancient times, flowers are a kind of sign in events and relationships. Presented with a bouquet, the giver expresses his feelings and emotions, and he does not even need to say anything – the flowers will say everything for him. They are the constant companions of weddings, anniversaries, love relationships, as well as sad events. Therefore, it is not surprising that many want to know what flowers and plant compositions dream of.

Dreams with flowers are no cause for concern
The interpretation of sleep with flowers

When interpreting such a dream, much will depend on how the sleeping person felt at the same time: whether he was cheerful or sad, experienced positive emotions or wanted to get rid of the presented bouquet as soon as possible, what was the situation like. Each flower has its own meaning, and its color plays an equally important role. Continue reading

Perfume Floral Aromas
Flowers - amazing beauty of nature. Thanks to their magical aroma, perfumers actively add their essential oils to create perfumes. Already in ancient times, people, making perfumes, used spices, needles,…


Garden Build: Eternal, New, and Unexpected
From April 5 to 8, Crocus Expo IEC hosted the 3rd international exhibition Garden Build - a major event in the field of landscaping and landscape design. The exhibits, which…


Now there are more than 30 thousand varieties of roses. Several of them deserve attention because of their uniqueness - an unusual color or size. It is believed that roses…
