An original wedding arrangement, created by individual order by experienced florists, will draw the attention of the guests of the event. For the bride, the bouquet is one of the…

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The birthplace of this plant is South America, Asia, Africa and the islands of the Malay archipelago. Currently, more than 2000 garden forms obtained through selection are known. Begonias were…

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Secrets of a florist, or where do the bouquets come from?
Flowers ... These beautiful representatives of the flora have been praised by man for centuries, used to express their feelings, decorate homes and their own inspiration. Today, experienced florists collect…

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Live gift: instructions for use

So, they gave you a flower in a pot. Such a romantic present is undoubtedly pleasant, because the one who presented it to you is clearly not opposed to you often recalling it. But what if your knowledge of floriculture is limited to understanding the need for regular watering of a houseplant?

Flowers in a pot – a worthy alternative to a bouquet
“Feel the soil” and provide peace
The main rule for dealing with a newly arrived green guest is to provide him with as much peace as possible. Do not rush to put a flower by the window: hold it in the back of the room for a week or two, so that it adapts to new conditions. After that, do not place it immediately under bright sunlight and just in case, move it a little away from other plants, if any, for the first couple of weeks on the windowsill: let the rookie get used to the neighbors first at a distance. Continue reading

For a long memory: drying flowers

Drying flowers only at first glance is a simple task. The flower itself will dry out after some time. But will he preserve his beauty and not fade? Do not remember the petals and leaves? To avoid all these troubles, you need to adhere to some rules.

Roses, even when dried, do not lose their attractiveness and elegance
The rules for drying flowers
Collect only dry flowers when all drops of dew or rain have dried. Wet plants will mold faster than dry.
Harvested plants need to be dried as soon as you pick them. When they are tightened, it will already be much more difficult to spread the petals.
Get more stuff. During drying, many flowers can go to waste. In addition, among the already prepared dried plants, you will have the opportunity to select the best. Continue reading

Perfume Floral Aromas
Flowers - amazing beauty of nature. Thanks to their magical aroma, perfumers actively add their essential oils to create perfumes. Already in ancient times, people, making perfumes, used spices, needles,…


Packaging for a bouquet is like a gem cut. Making floral arrangements is a separate art form that florists learn. To mention all the methods for decorating bouquets that exist…


Packaging for a bouquet is like a gem cut. Making floral arrangements is a separate art form that florists learn. To mention all the methods for decorating bouquets that exist…
