Cyclamen is a houseplant belonging to the family of primrose. Homeland - The Mediterranean coast of southern Europe. Cyclamen grows from fibrous round or flattened tubers. From the upper tuber…

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WATER PREPARATION In order for roses to stand longer in a vase, special attention should be paid to water. Do not put the bouquet in running water - unfortunately, its…

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Secrets of a florist, or where do the bouquets come from?
Flowers ... These beautiful representatives of the flora have been praised by man for centuries, used to express their feelings, decorate homes and their own inspiration. Today, experienced florists collect…

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plant species

Rome, wife and Finnish nature: what inspired the authors of musical masterpieces about flowers?

Any of us will name a couple of musical works, in the name of which certain flowers appear. What inspired the authors of these masterpieces and are all these compositions dedicated to the picturesque beauty of flowers?

Nature and music are inseparable manifestations of the beautiful

From bell to aquilegia
One of the most amazing classical works is the cycle of piano pieces by the composer Jan Sibelius “Flowers”. It is known that the Finnish musician admired nature. Interestingly, the floral works of Sibelius are not without mysticism: for the composer, it mattered that some of the flowers that inspired him were considered sacred in his homeland – in Finland. Continue reading

Live gift: instructions for use

So, they gave you a flower in a pot. Such a romantic present is undoubtedly pleasant, because the one who presented it to you is clearly not opposed to you often recalling it. But what if your knowledge of floriculture is limited to understanding the need for regular watering of a houseplant?

Flowers in a pot – a worthy alternative to a bouquet
“Feel the soil” and provide peace
The main rule for dealing with a newly arrived green guest is to provide him with as much peace as possible. Do not rush to put a flower by the window: hold it in the back of the room for a week or two, so that it adapts to new conditions. After that, do not place it immediately under bright sunlight and just in case, move it a little away from other plants, if any, for the first couple of weeks on the windowsill: let the rookie get used to the neighbors first at a distance. Continue reading

Perfume Floral Aromas
Flowers - amazing beauty of nature. Thanks to their magical aroma, perfumers actively add their essential oils to create perfumes. Already in ancient times, people, making perfumes, used spices, needles,…


Fragrant first aid kit: flowers that treat
Not everyone knows that the most ordinary representatives of the flora that are familiar to our eyes can serve as a medicine. Let us turn to the opinions of those…


There is a well-established opinion that only women are congratulated with flowers. But, in fact, men are happy to accept their gift from relatives, friends and respectful people. It is…
